The first thing is making everything about them instead of making everything about you when engaging with an audience.
One mistake most people make is that they let their ego get the better of them, they talk about themselves and what they think, more than they should.
As a speaker, it is important to know what the audience is thinking.
A code that every audience member has that I keep at the back of my mind when I’m on stage, whether it's a virtual audience, through a recorded video or a live event, is:
What's this got to do with me?
Why should I care?
Imagine everyone's got a sign on top of their forehead that says, "Make me feel special."
Don't overwhelm the audience with content and information. Let your audience become part of your workshops.
Give people an opportunity to speak.
Have them share their stories.
Know what they think.
Get their names and where they're from.
Engage the audience.
Here at The Coaching Institute, we make the events all about our audience members. If you have an opportunity to make someone feel good, to light them up, to give them significance. Do it.