Can I make a living as a life coach?
My personal story of what I discovered when I asked the question
Long before I had started The Coaching Institute or even had my first coaching session, I would think about one big question: Can I make a living as a life coach?
There were plenty of people in my life known as dreams stealers who were sharing with me. How it never works, the market is saturated, everyone wants to be a coach but you cannot make a living from it.
Have you heard this? 'Who would hire a coach? I know I wouldn't.'
Even with all these helpful messages of doom and gloom, I knew I wanted to make a difference in my life and the lives of others while turning this profession into my passion.
Then I started thinking how can it be that other great people with skills, expertise, experience were able to get work. There are lawyers, plumbers, teachers, nurses and accountants who are all able to make a living even if they weren’t the best in their fields.
Or why is life coaching any different. If people who are well trained in coaching and good at what they do still aren’t getting work, something has to be wrong.
In my attempt to be as scientific and researched based as I could in working out can I make a living as a life coach, I dived into understanding why life coaching is different.
And as you probably already know life coaching was no different to any other professional industry.
The bad life coaches, the ineffective life coaches who are not helping their clients are the coaches who don’t get the work. Then the coaches who are helping their clients, who are effective, skilled and are well trained, are of course getting the work.
So the answer to the 'can I make a living as a life coach' question is a definitive yes. If you have the skills, the experience, the knowledge and the willingness to undo the habits that don’t work then yes you can make more than just a living life coaching.
You can have a life, filled with passion joy and love, while helping other fall in love with themselves.
If you’re stuck in your ways, shutdown, defensive, protective, stubborn not open to feedback then I would suggest that coaching might not be a match for you.
If you’re someone who is curious about the world around you, you would love to learn more about what shapes us and makes us tick and you’re willing to learn what it takes to move someone with the questions you’re asking then coaching is an absolute match for you.
She is the Founder of The Coaching Institute and through our world-class coaching training programs, best-selling books, the #Perspectives podcast, and the Ultimate You Quest movement, she helps people like you live your dream, become your most authentic self, and make a difference through meaningful action.