I’ve earned back my fees and more!

When I stepped into Pro Coach, I was really aligned so the decision for me was really simple because I had real clarity coming into this. It's been more than I ever expected though, I've got so much more in the six months than I ever though was possible.

Q. Hey Haley, how are you? Congratulations and you've earned back your course fees.

Hayley Grosser Professional Coach

I'm so good, Remi. Yeah, I've earned back double my ProCoach fees.

Hayley Grosser

Q. You have all done so much better than I did in my first six months. That’s just so good to hear. I love that. It must feel so good to know, how did it feel when you started? Did you feel it was a big risk to invest that kind of money? What was your thoughts when you began? How did it sit with you? Because it's a big investment.

Hayley Grosser Professional Coach

Yeah, I was really aligned. I knew I wanted to coach, I knew I wanted to make a difference and I knew I wanted to help people. When I actually joined the program, I came in at the Master's level because I thought Pro Coach was this exclusive group and that you had to get through Master's level first.

And when I had my first call with Shiva, she's like, “Why? Why aren't you doing Pro Coach? Your vision for what you want in life is out of alignment with the level that you're doing.” And I realized that there was a little bit of fear holding me back in terms of thinking about where I could go or what I could do.

And so when I stepped into Pro Coach, I was really aligned so the decision for me was really simple because I had real clarity coming into this. It's been more than I ever expected though, I've got so much more in the six months than I ever though was possible.


Hayley Grosser

Q. You’re awesome! So everybody knows what we are talking about in code here. If you're not familiar, there is the Foundations program, which is the one that I spoke about earlier, which is just under a thousand dollars investment. Then there's the practitioner program, which we just spoke to Tegan about, which is the next level up.

Then there's the Master Practitioner program and you've gone to the very top program, the Gold program, the Professional Coach level, which is our ultimate three-year part-time program. You still get to do it on your own terms, in your own way. I'm sure you're being very flexible with how you approach it, but it's 20 modules.

It's, a big program, isn't it? Do you think you'll ever get through all the content ever?

Hayley Grosser Professional Coach

I don't think so. I'd like to say yes, but the answer's most likely no.

Hayley Grosser

Q. So most people, when I ask them to say they got through 10% of the content to earn back their course fees, how much percentage of the content do you think you used to achieve making it so there's just no risk enjoying the program?

Hayley Grosser Professional Coach

I wouldn't even say 10%. I would say I'm only through 5% through, honestly. 5%. Including business skills training. It’s phenomenal because it's set out in such a step-by-step process. You're literally just moving to the next step and then you, you get that done and then you move for the next step, and you move for the next step.

Before I came into this, I thought coaching was really daunting, and I'm like, how am I going to get from here to where I want to be? But then when I became a coach, I realised it's just a process. And when you can follow that process, you don't have to start thinking about how big the gap is. You can just look at tomorrow and the next day and the next day.

And that was phenomenal for me because it gave me clarity. But I've got three boys and time is of the essence. So, I had to make sure that I could structure it in a way I could fit it in. So being able to do that has allowed me then to be able to structure my time really well. Also go into structuring my time in my business well also, because I'm only doing two days of actual coaching a week at the most, because I'm juggling family and studies.

Hayley Grosser

Q. You are a rock star. That is amazing. Wow.

Hayley Grosser Professional Coach

It's felt really good and it's something that I didn't think was possible. I thought, yeah, whatever. I've heard lots of success stories about coaching and the time that they're spending. I didn't think it was possible, but I was very clear coming in about how I wanted to structure my time around family and kids.

We also have a farming business as well. I'm a farm girl and we live in regional Victoria, so we've got a farming business, plus I'm studying and, and running after kids. So, I was really clear on what I wanted life to look like, and I really just started from the start understanding how much I'd like to earn plus then where that fits in with time, and so what I need to be earning within those two days to hit the targets that I want and then still be really happy and really around me without being super crazy, stressfully busy, which is where I used to be.

Hayley Grosser

Q. How wonderful. So you're in regional Victoria, so you're not in a big city. So, anyone who's thinking, I can't do it because I don't have a big community around me, you've done it online and you've done it the way that we show you. Obviously, I realize what you've done, but I just want to take my hat off to you because you haven't let any of that be an excuse.

Hayley Grosser Professional Coach

 Yeah, and that's a thing I've been online from right from the start. So there's no, no barrier to starting.

Hayley Grosser

Q. Okay. I'm in awe of you. What's been, do you think the biggest benefit for you in doing this? So you said yes, expecting what?

And then what, but what really helped you? What, been the biggest thing for you? Because most people say, I joined to become a coach, or I joined to get accredited, or I join because I want the study and I want the tips and tools. What is ‘it’ for you?

Hayley Grosser Professional Coach

The biggest thing that coaching has given me so far is confidence and confidence in myself.

And it's not just kind of an idea backed by desire that yes, I'd like to be a coach, but it's actually the confidence in myself to carry out the coaching and also to be able to push my boundaries in terms of who I'm collaborating with. It's given me a sense of trust, knowing that things are working out.

Because I also contract coach to an organization that teaches self-development for farming. And so, I'm a coach within that space. And also, it's been great because what that has opened up now is opportunities. So, they're looking at me and the level of coaching that I'm bringing in, which is now setting the standard for what they want other coaches to be within that organisation.

But I'm also finding my niche within that. And it’s also opened up to working in collaboration with them, in terms of putting my name into that space as well as speaking commitments on stage. There are three or 400 farmers that are within this group that I coach for, so it's directly in my niche.

There are just endless opportunities and I've found that the more I learn and apply and teach and have confidence in myself and have confidence in the value that I give. I've been on my professional development journey for a few years, so I've accumulated hundreds of thousands of dollars to be able to accumulate just the knowledge that I have.

So, it's given me the confidence to transfer that knowledge into actually being able to help other people on a level that I actually get paid for it.

Hayley Grosser

Q. Congratulations. Did you dream this would happen?

Hayley Grosser Professional Coach

No, not at all. I didn't, not this, not this quick. Like I’d always dreamed that this would be progression. And it's interesting, the first time I stepped foot inside the room of farmers, I was like, I'm going to be a coach here. And I wasn't even coaching, I didn't even have any skill level, didn't have anything. And it's really progressed. And the more I let it progress and I do my thing, the quicker it unfolds, which is phenomenal, and it's blown my mind.

Hayley Grosser

Q. This is such a great story. And you've got three kids. How is it impacting your family?

Hayley Grosser Professional Coach

We have a 13-year-old boy, 11-year-old boy, and then a two-year-old. So there's quite a big gap between our last two. And you can see that the 13-year-old was probably exposed to our old patterns, you know, let's call it pre-change or pre us working on ourselves.

And so it, it's really interesting because he's really modeling. It's interesting the more that we change, we can see that he's realizing that maybe what he's carrying hasn't, you know, been resourceful and he can see where we are really trying to change. And then our two-year-old doesn't have all of that stuff, that conditioning and everything wrapped around him, it, he's grown up in a completely different environment and so his boundaries are really strong.

And we are very mindful of, you know, helping him create boundaries, his confidence, and everything. It's a completely different spectrum because, and I can see it every single day, the power of conditioning and the power of what we do as parents and the ripple effect that we have beyond us. And I think it's just, you know, the earlier we can do this work, the.

And it's really, we are coming in for this, really for professional development and working on us first. I love that you said that because my worst-case scenario coming into the International Coaching Institute if I didn't happen to love coaching, which I do, is the fact that I was going to get a lot of benefits for myself first. You know, if that was the worst case I was still winning.

Hayley Grosser

Q. That's what it was for me as well. I thought, okay, if the one thing I walk away from is one tip on how to be a more effective human being, it's been well worth the journey, and now 20 years later, it's just fantastic. So, what would you share with someone who's sitting there still thinking about it? What's it like on the other side of Yes.

Hayley Grosser Professional Coach

I think if you're sitting there thinking about it, just do it. Because once you get into the content, you know whether you want to do it or not. And as you said, you get the first two modules free, and you get access to that. So, you're going to know, and worst case you come out of it with some really quality professional development and you're going to come out a different person regardless.

Yes. So, I think just do it would be my answer.

Hayley Grosser

Q. For $97, which is all it is for the first month, which you will get back if you don't love it, which everybody does. Nobody's ever activated it. Nobody’s ever said I'm not loving it, which I think is fantastic. You get to find out if you love it and you get to join this community. What's the community meant to you?

Hayley Grosser Professional Coach

Oh, it's been everything. And just to probably answer another part of that question before is what I would like to ask people who are sitting on the. What's it going to cost you to not make that decision and not press that button? Because usually, you know, it's going to cost you more from not doing it, than it is to be still sitting here in 12 months’ time and going on then to the community.

So the community’s support is a massive part of that. It's phenomenal. You're in a space where there are like-minded people and if we are the sum of the five people we're hanging out with, my God, we are in like a, a highly successful place and if we can be modelling those around us, then we can't help but be successful.

If we are not feeling supported we can always reach out, because there's always somebody within the community, whether that's fellow coaches, the amazing support team, anybody within this community. Everybody's so welcoming and so friendly and will help with whatever you need.

Hayley Grosser

Q. Exactly. I know someone once posted, this is just a small example, they posted I just need some help with, it was like with coaching for something. 13 people volunteered to coach them for free. I’ll help, I'll help, I'll help. I'm in Canada. I don't mind the hours I'm in New Zealand. Let me know. There was just this outpouring of support and that's every single time no post goes unaddressed. No one is ignored in the community. That's literally why the community's such high quality.

So what is it you'd want to say to, before you go what would you have said to your previous self when you were thinking about, did you think very long about joining us?

Hayley Grosser Professional Coach

I had done a little bit of research. I had some people that I knew had been through the program that I reached out to and just asked about the quality of the course. But it was more a values alignment for me.

It was more than knowing that once I joined, I would be fine.

So what I would say to myself 18 months ago is, why did you wait? Why did you wait too long? Because what I've learned in the last six months has far outweighed what I learned in the last 18 months sitting on the sideline, just reading a book by myself or delving into my own space and I'm just like, Oh my God, why didn't I do it earlier? That’s exactly what I would say.

Hayley Grosser

Q.What I would say to that is I am so grateful you did choose us. I don't mind that it took that long, but I appreciate how you feel about it.

I just love that you are you and have been a part of our community and you chose us. The win is with us. I'm so grateful. You add so much value, you bring so much goodness to our community. It's people like you that make it what it is. And I just want to say to you I'm so, so grateful to you. Thank you.

Hayley Grosser Professional Coach

Thank you so much and thank you for having me.

Hayley Grosser
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