How can we set healthy boundaries?

Matt Lavars, professional coach and head trainer at The International Coaching Institute, shares some valuable insights about how to find your purpose for you to be deeply fulfilled

In our lives, it's vital to ensure we're taking the time to set healthy boundaries that align with our values. Doing this will is essential to avoid burnout and live a fulfilling life.

Don't get me wrong, boundary setting isn't a selfish act, self-care is an essential part of personal development and helps us to prioritise our values and the aspects of our lives that sometimes get muddled in our busy lives.

For example, as a parent, our values align with our families and therefore a healthy boundary would be to spend time and energy at home to ensure we are present for our children and significant other. This isn't neglecting friendships, it's recognising our priorities and ensuring we are showing up for ourselves and the ones close to us.

So the next time you find yourself feeling burnt out, ask yourself these simple questions;

Does this align with my values?
What would happen if I didn't do this?


One of Australia's leading coaches, trainers and speakers, and head facilitator at The Coaching Institute. In between mentoring thousands of coaches and leaders all around Australasia and helping others build incredible culture, Matt is passionate about fitness and music. His healthy office lunches whipped up in five minutes are the stuff of legend

Matt Lavars life coaching
Matt LavarsThe Coaching Institute
Hosted and Managed by Logic Minds