The key to achieving your goals

The key to having a successful year of achieving your goals and how to set goals to achieve them

How do these sit with you? From not fighting hard enough for it to feeling the fear, here are the major mindsets that you can get rid of to really move forward.

For me, there are three reasons most people give up on success.

Everyone wants to be successful and everyone has their own definition of what success means. For some people success means riches, fame and status.

For others it’s all about appreciation, making a difference and creating change.

As coaches we’re in the small group of people who get the chance to have both.

We have the skill and expertise to help literally hundreds of people combined with the commercial reality that what we know is in really high demand.

Coaching is about helping people step into their dreams. But what about your dreams?

Here are my top three reasons most people give up on success.

#1 They realise success is hard work!

People often say they want success.

Then along the way they realise it takes consistency, discipline & often doing things they don’t want to do.

This old saying is still true—If it was easy then everyone would be doing it.' Success is earned, not given, and if you want it then you need to be prepared to fight for it.

#2 They try to figure it all out alone

Successful people are often surrounded by successful people.

Stick with your mentors. Follow the people that have the results you want.

If someone else has a successful strategy then model what they do and expect the same results.

Be open and vulnerable with the people closest to you. You’ll need them the most on your journey to success.

#3 They feel the Fear

If there's anything that can truly freeze a person in their tracks and stop them from ever achieving the success they deserve its fear.

Fear is designed to protect us. It’s designed to help us stop and think before making a decision.

But once you’ve made a decision there’s no room left for fear. You have to step forward, stick by your decisions and follow your actions through to the outcome.

Remember if your definition of success is true, then these three roadblocks will never stand in your way.

They are definitely obstacles, but with a big enough 'reason WHY' they should be easy to navigate around.


She is the Founder of The Coaching Institute and through our world-class coaching training programs, best-selling books, the #Perspectives podcast, and the Ultimate You Quest movement, she helps people like you live your dream, become your most authentic self, and make a difference through meaningful action.

Remi Pearson
REMI PEARSONThe Coaching Institute
Hosted and Managed by Logic Minds