20 Coaching and Mindset Tips Successful Coaches Use Every day

And not the 'you have spinach in your teeth' honesty but the real deal that will help you and your coaching clients.

Here's 20 coaching and mindset tips successful coaches use every day. And you can start putting them into action now.

You know those coaches who pull it off every single time so well and serve their client with exactly what’s needed in the moment?

You’ve probably wondered what it takes, and how to achieve that level of certainty and passion … right?

Perhaps you’ve been looking everywhere, researching and secretly hoping for the magic pill.

Well I am here to tell you (although it seems like they may have supernatural powers) there is no magic pill in becoming a successful life coach.

Here’s the thing: Not every coach is successful, but almost all successful coaches have something extraordinary to offer.

Every successful coach I’ve ever spoken to has had a powerful impact on me. I end up taking away something profound from our conversations, and leave with a new perspective that I didn’t have before.

I’m sure it’s the same for you.

Just a few examples of coaching and mindset tips successful coaches use every day would be…

  • They establish instant rapport with anyone within minutes
  • They don’t coach on the surface but go deeper than that
  • They are flexible in adapting to change
  • They get out of their client’s way
  • They take enormously complex ideas and stories and bring a direction to the session

Yes, they are competent in coaching skills. Yes, they are great with people. And yes, they are committed to their professional and personal growth as well as to achieve life coaching success.

But deep down, it’s not about the tools they have or what they do, but it’s about who they are.

Deep down, they are committed to making a difference. Touching lives. Helping others find meaning in their lives.

What does that mean for you? That is one of the first question you need to ask yourself on your journey of becoming a life coach.

Before you do something, make a decision to be a great coach. It takes a mindset switch, and you just have to decide to want it. (Yes, it’s an inside job.)

And then you take the necessary steps to be an outstanding coach and achieve the desire coaching success you wished for!

To help you with just that, here is a compilation of some of the best life coaching tips we’ve shared across this blog and on social media, handpicked for you and ready to go. For best results, print it out or bookmark this page.

Mindset tips

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